Saturday, January 12, 2008

Want to know more about AnimalSigning ...communication for animals

Sean Senechal will be giving 2 seminars at

both in March: 5th and the 19th. The 5th is basic information about AnimalSigning followed by the 19th where I will coach listeners on lessons to teach their animals.

Look for exact times posting.


Book AnimalSign To You posted on KOKO Foundation Site

Our book AnimalSign To You. Imagine! Signing Is Not Just for Primates Anymore is now noted on the website. Dr. Patterson endorsed the book and we are happy to be listed on their site. Click the link then go down to Rikki Power the Gorilla dog....see our book listed.

Yahoo's DOGREAD book discussion

In Jan 2008 Yahoo Group DOGREAD is holding a discussion to provide a exchange with readers and author Sean Senechal of AnimalSign To You. Join us!